Monday, October 20, 2008

Do You Know WHY You Need Life Insurance?

I was talking to a client last week when I learned he and his wife were having their first child.

My client is quite successful, and he immediately wanted to discuss Life Insurance. He's smart for looking out for his wife and new family should the worst happen. Unfortunately, there are many circumstances that call for people to evaluate their options, but they fail to.

Here are some real life examples of why you may need a life insurance policy:

  1. Replace income for your loved ones. If there are people in your life who depend on your income, life insurance can be a safety net for them.
  2. Pay funeral expenses, probate and other estate costs which can add up very quickly.
  3. Cover medical expenses and other debt not covered by your health insurance.
  4. Create an inheritance for your loved ones or dependents. You may not have other assets to pass on, but with a life insurance policy in place there will be something left behind.

With a life insurance policy in place your loved ones ill have one less worry.

If you or someone you know wants to learn more about the options available to you, whether you have an existing life insurance plan or not (sometimes lower rates are available) don't hesitate to contact my office at (866) 272-8310 or email me at I would be happy to answer your questions.

Take Care,

Jeff Leibowitz
(866) 272-8310

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back to School

My daughter has settled into her new role as a freshmen at James Madison University. Since she is what they refer to as a "dormer", she is covered under my homeowner's insurance policy automatically.

However, the phone call came the other day that Chelsea (my daughter) and a few of her new friends would like to get an apartment off campus together next year. Oh Boy...That started my mind wandering for a couple of different reasons. Mostly no way can my daughter want to live in an apartment with friends(it's too soon) and the other, she will not be covered under my homeowner insurance policy anymore if she leaves the dorms.

So for all you out there that have children in college, going to college soon or know someone with a niece, nephew or neighbor the question of moving off campus and into a shared apartment is not far off (Chelsea has only been in school for 1 month).

So remember the tip above and pass it along to others because with i-phones, laptops, digital camera's and other electronics-the price to replace their stuff really adds up!

Have a great day!

Jeff Leibowitz, President
(631) 244-7784

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New York is at Risk During Hurricane Season

New York is no stranger to flood disasters and peak hurricane season (August-October) brings a heightened risk of flooding to the State. New York's flood history underscores the severity of the State's flood risks. This year marks the 70th year anniversary of "The Long Island Express" one of the most devastating hurricane's in U.S. history.

The hurricane swept up the Northeast coast, dropping 17 inches of rain in a matter of days and creating waves up to 50 feet high. The storm caused $300 million in total damages-equal to billions of dollars. Don't forget about hurricane Ivan in 2004, even though it weakened before reaching the New York area it still caused more than $3 million in flood claims in the state.

Today a category 3 storm similar to "The Long Island Express" would ravage New York's real estate and business infrastructures. Based on the increased flood risk New York faces in the upcoming months, it is critical that you review your homeowners insurance policy and purchase a flood policy if you don't all ready have one. Remember, everyone can purchase flood insurance whether they're in a floodplain or not, including renter's, business owners and homeowners.

If you are unsure about hurricane and flood protection contact me at (866) 272-8310 or email me at and I will make sure that you get the best possible protection at a reasonable price.

Take Care,

Jeff Leibowitz
Atlantic Agency/DCAP Insurance
(866) 272-8310

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Umbrella Insurance

What's today's eighth most emailed business article from the New York Times?

"An umbrella policy will cover you OVER and ABOVE regular insurance policies. It's like getting a team of attorneys working for you for only pennies on the dollar."

I've taken some "highlights" out of the article:

Here's the nightmare: Your car skids. You crash into a Mercedes with a highly paid business executive at the wheel. He's hurt so badly that he can not return to work. A jury awards him millions of dollars and you have to pay it.

You're wiped out financially. The court takes your savings, goes after your home and for decades requires you to give up part of your salary!

And check out the story that was at the end of the article:

One of Mr. Cox's clients crashed into the rear of a car on a slick highway. A woman and a child were critically injured. After two years of litigation, his client settled the lawsuit for more than $5 million. The client had $15 million in umbrella coverage. The policy paid for the settlement and all legal costs. "Without the Umbrella Coverage, Mr. Cox said they would have been completely wiped out"

Call us today at (866) 272-8310 or email me at for a price quote on an Umbrella Policy that will protect you.

Take Care,

Jeff Leibowitz
(866) 272-8310

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dog Bites and Losing Your Home

I remember biking as a kid. My younger sister right behind me on her bike.

The neighbor two houses down had 2 dogs (don't remember the type, but I remember they were big) out while doing yard work. My sister was afraid of dogs so she crossed the street. Being the big brother I had to prove it was okay so I kept riding by.

One of the dogs came walking up to me. I ignored it and kept riding my bike. The dog came up behind me and latched onto my leg, hard!

Every home insurance company wants to know if you have pets and what type. Why? If your dog decides to take a bite out of someone the insurance company is the one who will be defending you in the liability lawsuit.

According to here are some statistics in the U.S.:

1.) Dogs bite more than 4.7 million people annually
2.) There are over 30 dog attacks per year that result in death
3.) Almost 800,000 bites per year require medical attention
4.) 2,851 letter carriers are bitten each year

While the family pet is generally docile and loving, they do have natural instincts to protect the family and their home. There are some breeds (PitBulls and Rottweilers are two common types) that are considered dangerous and vicious to some insurance companies. If you own these dangerous breeds they won't insure you. If they do, there's an exclusion that completely excludes coverage for animal liability.

If you have a dog, you want to make sure you have a Homeowner Insurance Policy that covers you correctly. You'll also want to seriously consider and Personal Umbrella Policy for extra coverage, because these lawsuits can go into the millions!

Call us today at (866) 272-8310 and we will make sure that you have the right policy that covers you, your family and your pets!

Take Care,

Jeff Leibowitz
(866) 272-8310

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Home Improvements, Summer and Your Personal Property

"I plan to do some home improvements this summer to my house. What should I do or how will it affect my insurance?" Steve Corvaia, Centereach, NY

Steve, that's a great question! Here are some general rules as they apply to your insurance but it is always best to check with us - your Insurance Broker - to see if this will affect your homeowner policy.

Do Call and Check When:

  • You hire a contractor to do the work, make sure you get a certificate of insurance
  • You add a pool, increasing your liability hazards
  • You upgrade from a standard kitchen to a custom one
  • You finish off your basement
  • You add an office in your home
  • You put an addition on your home
  • You add a bathroom to your home

Do Not Call If:

  • You add replacement windows
  • You add a fence
  • You replace the kitchen cupboards
  • You side the house or replace the gutters

Again, these are general rules of thumb but if you are unsure, always call us to make sure.

Better to know this BEFORE a claim occurs, than after!

37% of all unpaid claims are the results of unreported changes to the insurance company/agent. Communication will always result in the correct course of action to insure proper protection.

Jeff Leibowitz, President
Atlantic Agency/DCAP Insurance

Please pass this along to Friends, Co-Workers, Customers..Anyone who could benefit!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Swimming Pool Hazards

Happy Summer!

Yes, Summer is upon us. For me and my family that means a lot of swimming (not only in our backyard, but swimming in the ocean or the beach.) Each presents it's own Safety Issues.

I think most of us walk around feeling indestructable most of the time. (Bad things only happen to the other guy, right?) Generally I think life is pretty safe as long as you take precautions.

But just in case - here are some tips for swimming safety to help you avoid being the "other guy". These tips apply to adults, teens and children.
  • Never SWIM ALONE
  • Children should always be supervised by a responsible adult
  • Obey posted safety rules. (If you own a pool you should have safety rules posted)
  • Stay out of the water during thunderstorms. If lightning starts, get out of the water immediatley and seek shelter away from metal objects, large trees and open areas.
  • Check water depth before diving - jump in feet first if you're not sure how deep the water is.
  • Keep wheel toys or balls away from inground pools, so small ones don't accidentially go in
  • Use inflatable toys and floats with caution, they are not safety devices
  • A fence, wall or barrier should completely enclose the pool area. Access should be by locked gate or door.
Keep these tips in mind whenever you're swimming or around others who are. A little precaution could save lives.

Finally, call your insurance agent or broker - Yes call us at (866) 272-8310! You can increase your home liability coverage or you can add an extra layer with an umbrellas policy!

Enjoy the water and be safe!

Jeff Leibowitz

(866) 272-8310