Monday, October 20, 2008

Do You Know WHY You Need Life Insurance?

I was talking to a client last week when I learned he and his wife were having their first child.

My client is quite successful, and he immediately wanted to discuss Life Insurance. He's smart for looking out for his wife and new family should the worst happen. Unfortunately, there are many circumstances that call for people to evaluate their options, but they fail to.

Here are some real life examples of why you may need a life insurance policy:

  1. Replace income for your loved ones. If there are people in your life who depend on your income, life insurance can be a safety net for them.
  2. Pay funeral expenses, probate and other estate costs which can add up very quickly.
  3. Cover medical expenses and other debt not covered by your health insurance.
  4. Create an inheritance for your loved ones or dependents. You may not have other assets to pass on, but with a life insurance policy in place there will be something left behind.

With a life insurance policy in place your loved ones ill have one less worry.

If you or someone you know wants to learn more about the options available to you, whether you have an existing life insurance plan or not (sometimes lower rates are available) don't hesitate to contact my office at (866) 272-8310 or email me at I would be happy to answer your questions.

Take Care,

Jeff Leibowitz
(866) 272-8310