Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back to School

My daughter has settled into her new role as a freshmen at James Madison University. Since she is what they refer to as a "dormer", she is covered under my homeowner's insurance policy automatically.

However, the phone call came the other day that Chelsea (my daughter) and a few of her new friends would like to get an apartment off campus together next year. Oh Boy...That started my mind wandering for a couple of different reasons. Mostly no way can my daughter want to live in an apartment with friends(it's too soon) and the other, she will not be covered under my homeowner insurance policy anymore if she leaves the dorms.

So for all you out there that have children in college, going to college soon or know someone with a niece, nephew or neighbor the question of moving off campus and into a shared apartment is not far off (Chelsea has only been in school for 1 month).

So remember the tip above and pass it along to others because with i-phones, laptops, digital camera's and other electronics-the price to replace their stuff really adds up!

Have a great day!

Jeff Leibowitz, President
(631) 244-7784